2019 Virginia Area Spring Assembly Evaluation
Your thoughts, your ideas and your voice are valuable. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this evaluation of Assembly. Please respond to each question using the following scale:

1=Needs lots of work
3=Liked It
5=Wildly Successful
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1. Regarding the Business Meeting: Business was conducted efficiently. *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
2. Regarding the Business Meeting: Sufficient information was available for effective decision making *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
3. Regarding the Business Meeting: Minority opinions were given the opportunity to be heard. *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
4. Regarding the Business Meeting: There was adequate time for questions and answers. *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
5. Regarding Speakers and Al-Anon Meetings: The DR/GR sessions and chat rooms were effective and helpful. *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
6. Regarding Speakers and Al-Anon Meetings: I got good ideas from other Districts. *
Needs lots of work
Wildly Successful
Which Saturday Workshop did you attend? *
The Saturday Workshop I attended was effective and helpful *
Which Sunday Workshop did you attend? *
The Sunday Workshop I attended was effective and helpful *
I am a (choose all that apply): *
Do you have any comments you would like to share to help us plan for future Assemblies?
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