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ECE Graduate TA Application
To be a TA, you
be on campus these dates:
Fall 2023: Aug 28 - Jan 10
Spring 2024: Jan 11 - May 26
Do NOT apply if you cannot be present these days.
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* Indicates required question
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Your first name:
Your answer
Your last name:
Your answer
Your x500:
Your answer
Your Student ID
Your answer
Which courses do you prefer to TA?
EE 1301 - Introduction to Computing Systems
EE 1701 - Climate Crisis: Implementing Solutions
EE 1703 - Laboratory for Climate Crisis: Implementing Solutions
EE 2015 - Introduction to Circuits and Electronics
EE 2115 - Linear Systems, Circuits, and Electronics
EE 2301 - Introduction to Digital System Design
EE 2361 - Introduction to Microcontrollers
EE 2701 - Sustainable Electricity Supply: Renewables and Conservation
EE 2703 - Sustainable Electricity Supply: Renewables and Conservation Lab
EE 3005 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
EE 3006 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory
EE 3015 - Signals and Systems
EE 3025 - Statistical Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering
EE 3101 - Circuits and Electronics Laboratory I
EE 3102 - Circuits and Electronics Laboratory II
EE 3115 - Analog Electronics
EE 3161 - Semiconductor Devices
EE 3601 - Transmission Lines, Fields, and Waves
EE 4111 - Advanced Analog Electronics Design
EE 4161W - Energy Conversion and Storage
EE 4163 - Energy Conversion and Storage Laboratory
EE 4231 - Linear Control Systems: Designed by Input/Output Methods
EE 4233 - State Space Control System Design
EE 4235 - Linear Control Systems Laboratory
EE 4237 - State Space Control Laboratory
EE 4301 - Digital Design With Programmable Logic
EE 4341 - Embedded System Design
EE 4363 - Computer Architecture and Machine Organization
EE 4501 - Communications Systems
EE 4505 - Communications Systems Laboratory
EE 4521 - Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science
EE 4541 - Digital Signal Processing
EE 4607 - Wireless Hardware System Design
EE 4616 - Antennas: Theory, Analysis, and Design
EE 4623 - Introduction to Modern Optics
EE 4701 - Electric Drives
EE 4703 - Electric Drives Laboratory
EE 4721 - Introduction to Power System Analysis
EE 4722 - Power System Analysis Laboratory
EE 4741 - Power Electronics
EE 4743 - Switch-Mode Power Electronics Laboratory
EE 4951W - Senior Design Project
If you'd like to TA graduate course(s), please list them here
Your answer
Your Advisor's Last Name
Your answer
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Degree Objective
What is your cumulative graduate GPA?
Your answer
If your native language is not English, have you taken the SETTA test or the TSE test?
Have you passed the PhD Written Preliminary Exam (WPE) and/or the Oral Written Exam (OPE)?
How many of EE8666 pre-thesis credits have you taken?
Your answer
Enter course number(s) if you have previously been at TA at UMN (or N/A):
Your answer
Which semester are you applying for?
Fall 2023 (you can be on-campus Aug 28 - Jan 10)
Spring 2024 (you can be on-campus Jan 11 - May 26)
Both (you can be on-campus August 28 - May 26)
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Use this space to write any additional comments you have that pertain to your request for a teaching assistantship:
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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