If You Loved Me ARC Application
Thank you so much for applying to be an ARC reader for If You Loved Me! Just a few things before we move forward. 

ARC copies will be delivered electronically on April 5th 2024 and reviews must be posted on April 26th 2024. 

  • An ARC is an Advanced Reader Copy of a book meaning that you are getting the edition of the book right before final proof reading so there will likely be small spelling and grammatical errors. These errors should not impact your overall rating or review of the book, but if you do see a small error please send me a message and let me know! I want this book to be perfect, so I would love to hear if you see an error so I can fix the final edition during the proofread stage. 
  • By receiving an ARC, you are agreeing to read the book and leave an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. If you do not have an account with Amazon or Goodreads, please do not apply until you create accounts on those sites. Reviews are the most helpful things for authors when it comes to retailer sites promoting books, which is why authors send out ARC copies in the first place. 
  • Third, thank you SO much for taking a chance on my story. I know that time is the most valuable thing we have and it means the world to me that you would take the time to read and review my novel. 
  • Finally, If You Loved Me is an adult romance novel with explicit scenes that are not suitable for people under the age of 18. 
If You Loved Me Description

My parents would lose their minds if they found out their precious daughter lost her virginity to the town’s notorious bad boy and ex-convict. 

Ranger Adams might have been a dangerous pariah after he was released from prison, but he was the only man I wanted. And after I convinced him to take me on a date, I got exactly what my body…and heart desired. 

I spent my entire life trying to get away from my parents’ overbearing grasp. They’ve tried to control every part of my life, even down to the man I was supposed to marry. That was the price of being born into one of the South’s richest families. 

The second I had a chance to move out, I did. Countless years of defiance and making my dreams come true was worth the sacrifice. No fun. No relationships. And no sex. 

My life had been all work until Ranger came back into town. Everyone whispered about what he’d done to land in prison. But I didn’t care. 

He was rough around the edges, wild, and free. 

And I wanted every bit of what he was willing to give me. 

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Do you have a device to read the ebook of If You Loved Me as I do not send out hardcopies? *
Do you agree to post an honest review of If You Loved Me on release day, April 26th 2024? *
Would you like to be added to my permanent ARC team? This means you will receive future ARCs of my books without needing to apply again. *
Have you read one of my books before? *
What is your Instagram profile link? If you don't have one, just put N/A. *
What is your TikTok profile link? If you don't have one, just put N/A. *
What is the email address you want me to send the ARC copy to? Do not put your kindle email. It needs to be a regular working email address.  *
Thank you so much for applying!
I will send an email to you prior to ARCs going out letting you know if you will receive an ARC or not on April 3rd, so make sure to check your spam folder on that day! Finally, for those who are accepted, I will send out emails after release day for you to post a link to your reviews!
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