The Red Cord
Human Trafficking Training Request
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Organization Requesting Training *
Which form of training are you requesting? *
Point of Contact Phone number *
Which training are you requesting? *
Address of where training will take place *
Requested date (please provide 2 options) *
Requested time of training *
What is the time frame that will be available for the training? ( 1 hour etc) Due to the amount of information for training we strongly suggest a minimum of  1 hour.
Approximately how many people in attendance?
Is this training for Adults only *
Is this training for Adults and Teens? ( 12 and up) *
Is this training for Teens  ages (12-17)only? *
Will a T.V. or Projector be available to show a power point presentation? *
Any other information you would like to share?
Thank you, we will respond ASAP to your request. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours please email
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