Awareness, attitudes, and barriers for Bayesian dose prediction software utilization in clinical practice

You are invited to participate in this survey entitled " Awareness, attitudes, and barriers for Bayesian dose prediction software utilization in clinical practice.” The project is approved by the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISOP), American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP), and Clinical Pharmacometrics SIG boards. 

The project objectives are:

  • To assess health care practitioners (physicians and pharmacist) awareness and attitudes towards Bayesian dose prediction software
  • To assess current clinicians’ usage of Bayesian dose prediction software in clinical practice
  • To identify barriers to the implementation of Bayesian dose prediction software in clinical practice

Kindly take about 2 to 20 minutes to answer the survey.

Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator as below:

Dr. Sarah Alghanem; Department of Pharmacy Practice – College of Pharmacy - Kuwait University


Research team: Sarah Alghanem, Amelia Deitchman, Abdelmoneim Awad

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2. Did you have experience in providing direct patient care roles/ clinical patient care? 

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