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Study Knight $500 Scholarship! - Fall '24
Fill this form out to be considered for the
Study Knight Fall'24
$500 Scholarship!
Must be a current UCF student to apply!
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What (Greek or campus) organization(s) are you in?
(List any leadership positions in these.)
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1.) Favorite Class: What has been your favorite class at UCF so far, and what made it so enjoyable?
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2.) How do you feel college helps students prepare for the rest of their lives?
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Have you used Study Knight for your courses yet? (If so, which ones?)
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Are you in any S'K courses next semester? (if so, pls list courses and semester.)
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Grad Date?
Check below if you would like to be considered for any available paid (part-time, hourly) positions!
Can also apply now here:
Marketing Manager
Brand Ambassador
Course Assistant
Editor / Content Developer
...if a box is checked above, add your Instagram handle to receive DMs in case we still have any of these spots available!
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