Spartan Allstars Sports, Office, and Special Activity Interest/Availability
This is the non-counselor application is for the Spartan Allstars Sports Day Camp at La Canada High School.  Please complete the Application.  Questions?  Contact Camp Director Tamar Hill at  (We will notify potential counselors by early April about positions.)
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Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
I want to come back! *
Camp format will be very similar to last year
Are you interested in getting extra hours filling in somewhere else if your activity/sport isn't running that week?
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Notes for us?
Which weeks are you available to work in 2024? *
Please mark all weeks that you are available to work. This is important for scheduling!
Are you capable of performing the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, with or without reasonable accommodation? *
Camp is a physically and emotionally demanding job.  Good health is essential.
Does your Facebook, webpage, X, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, Snapchat or other social media reflect the standards of Spartan Allstars? *
As a staff member, children and their parents may look you up.  Do social media networks reflect you in an appropriate light to work with children?
I will NEVER contact a Camper or JC via text, phone, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, X, Vine, Discord, TikTok, Marco Polo, TikTok or any other form of social media. *
As a staff member, children and their parents will place their trust in you.  Contacting a camper in any fashion will result in immediate grounds for dismissal.
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