Risk Analysis
Please provide answers to below listed questions, this will help in accessing your risk profile. Based on your risk profile we will build your portfolio
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Email *
Full Name *
Your Full name as mentioned on PAN card
Are you first time Investor? *
What is your age group? *
How many people depend on you financially? *
What is your annual take home income? *
How many months of expenses can your emergency funds cover? *
Emergency fund is something which help you live your normal lifestyle for certain period  in case you loose your primary source of income.
What percentage of your monthly income can you save? *
What percentage of monthly income can be invested? *
What is your monthly expenses (in thousand rupee) ?
Consider all expenses such as Rental, Glossary, Entertainment (e.g. nextflix, Hotstar),  Petrol, School fees, Annual maintenance etc.
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