Toilet Learning Questionnaire
Help me get to know more about your journey 
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Which service are you interested in? *
Child’s Name *
Child’s Age *
Parent’s Names *
Email Address *
Have you approached toilet learning already? Describe the process: *
What have been the biggest challenges so far?
How is your home environment and/or bathroom set up to support this learning process?  *
Is your child wearing diapers or pull-ups? 
Have you introduced standing diaper changes into your child’s daily routine? *
Is your child waking up with a dry diaper from bedtime and naps? *
Does your child have the capability to dress and undress themselves?
Are there other children in the household? Younger or older? 
Does your child spend any time with other caregivers? *
Does your child have any known developmental delays? *
Describe your child’s personality: *
What is the overall stress level in the home currently? *
Low stress
High stress
What are your goals for your child? *
What are your goals for working with me? *
Are you traveling in the near future? Anything else that might disrupt the ability to keep a consistent routine? *
Are all primary caregivers willing to help the child as they embark on this journey towards independence?  *
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