CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Award Application
The CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Awards were established by the Board of Directors of Piedmont Soccer Alliance in 1987. The purpose is to recognize and honor players of Carolina Core FC Youth who have excelled in area high school soccer and plan to attend college.

Three, one-time scholarships could be awarded this year to area high school seniors by the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Committee. The three scholarships are: The Kenny Potts Memorial Scholarship, the David Upchurch Leadership Scholarship, and the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship. If the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Committee deems applicable, additional CCFC Youth scholarships may be awarded.

All applicants shall have played on a Carolina Core FC Youth (formerly PTFC) competitive soccer team for at least 3 years and through their junior year of high school. A one-time grant will be made to the chosen institution to defray the cost of tuition or room and board at an accredited school of higher learning. Winners will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement, service to school and community, and leadership in interscholastic and competitive league sports. Selection of the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship winners will be made by the Senior Scholarship Committee impaneled by the Carolina Core FC Youth Board of Directors. The decision of the Senior Scholarship Committee is final and may not be appealed in any manner.

CCFC Youth reserves the right to use the names of the winners for publicity and promotional purposes only.

All areas of the application must be completed and turned in (Google Form Application and requested emailed items) no later than FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2025 for consideration. Winners will be notified by email late spring.

Applicants must include all requested items or their application will not be considered. It is preferred that all required documents are attached and submitted in one email, however individual documents will be accepted. A photo of ACT scores may be used. Please clearly mark applicant’s name on email(s) with documents. Please email all required items to:

For questions, please email Betsey Clinard:, CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Committee. 
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Email *
Name: *
Home address: *
Phone number: *
Please list your parent(s) or guardian’s name(s): *
Parent(s) or guardian’s email address(es):
What CCFC Youth team are you on?
Clear selection
How many years have you played with CCFC Youth (formerly PTFC)?
Name of High School: *
Date of graduation (Month/Day/Year): *
Please provide class rank: *
Please provide grade point average (measured on a scale of______). *
If you played soccer for your high school, please provide your high school soccer coach’s name.
Please provide your high school soccer coach contact information (email/phone):
Please share any high school soccer achievements and year awarded:
List any other high school achievements. Please include extracurricular activities and awards:
Which college or university do you plan to attend?  *
Write an essay describing what your involvement with CCFC Youth (formerly PTFC) has meant to you. You may also include any history with our recreational divisions if that applies to you.  

Explain how the combination of academic, extracurricular, and athletic activities have enhanced or otherwise affected your high school experience.  

If you would like to email your essay as an attachment, please indicate that below and email to

Please make sure you complete and include the required criteria listed below or your application will not be considered. The checklist below is to help applicants identify all required items needed.

Please include CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship in the subject line for any additional documents emailed in. The following criteria will apply:

1) All applicants shall have played on a Carolina Core FC Youth (formerly PTFC) competitive soccer team for at least 3 years (through their junior year of high school) and plan to attend college.

2) A high school transcript of grades and SAT and/or ACT scores must accompany this application. High school transcripts may be emailed. A photo of official ACT scores will be accepted.

3) Two letters of recommendation must be submitted by email to the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship Committee. It is recommended that one reference be completed by a present or former teacher.

4) Complete all required application questions above.
Requirement Checklist
All applicants shall have played on a Carolina Core FC Youth (formerly PTFC) competitive soccer team for at least 3 years (through their junior year of high school) and plan to attend college.
High school transcript of grades and SAT and/or ACT scores emailed to
Two letters of recommendation emailed to
Completed all application questions above.
By typing your name below you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and completed the CCFC Youth Senior Scholarship application to the requirements listed. *
Form completed on: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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