GBC 2024 - Young Journalist Application Form
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First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Email Address *
Phone Number
Country of Residence *
Nationality *
Current Occupation *
If other, please specify:
Language Skills and Level *
What experience do you have with journalism? (Please write between 250-500 words) *
If possible, please describe one example of a project that you have worked on previously that highlights your interest and skill in the field of journalism that would be helpful for the GBC 2024. (Please write between 250-500 words) *
Why are you interested in becoming a Young Journalist for the GBC 2024? (Please write between 250-500 words)
First Preference for Cluster or Group *
Second Preference for Cluster or Group *
Please explain why you would like to report on the clusters or group as selected above (max. 250 words) *
What format are you interested in reporting on the conference with - article, podcast, video, etc.? (This does not mean you are required to choose this option if you are selected, we just would like to have an idea of what our applicants are interested in working on) *
How did you hear about our call for applications? *
I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided and declare my agreement with the data protection regulations according to the GDPR regulations.
I hereby give my consent to the organizers for taking and using images in which I appear during the conference in Vilnius for the website owned by the organizers, publications and promotional aims (no commercial aims).
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