Aha Wahine Kuhinapapa Webinar Feedback
Please submit feedback regarding the webinar you recently attended. The Aha greatly appreciates your mana'o so we can continue to improve our future offerings.
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Are you Native Hawaiian? *
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Did you attend any of the Aha Wahine webinars in 2020-2021? *
What is something from this webinar that resonated with you? *
What did you like most about this webinar? *
Did this webinar help you make better connections to your: *
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What topics are you interested in for future events? (webinars, trainings, presentations, workshops etc.) *
Do you have any questions or comments regarding the recent webinar you attended?
Questions for in-person Aha Wahine Conference
The questions below are to help inform the planning process for the future in-person Aha Wahine Conference. Please complete the series of questions below one time only. Mahalo nunui!
Did you attend the 2012 Aha Wahine Kuhinapapa at Leeward Community College?
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If you did not attend, why not?
How many days would you like an in-person conference to be?
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How likely is it that you will attend a future in-person ‘Aha Wahine Conference?
Not at all
Not sure
Very likely
Please select one
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What might be some possible barriers that would inhibit you from attending a future in-person ‘Aha Wahine Conference? (IE, travel costs, time off, child care etc.)
Any other comments?
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