Israel Application
We're looking forward to welcoming you in the footsteps of our Lord! -Fr. Anthony and the Beatitudes of Denver and Emmaus
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First Name you go by *
Full Name as on Passport *
Graduation Year (if student) *
Group (one or more, if you're not sure yet) *
Date of Birth *
Cell Phone *
Email *
Gender *
School (if student) or city of residence
Permanent Address street number
College major (if student) *
Parents' emails or other emergency contact (separate them by a comma) *
Parents' or others' cell number(s) *
Why do you want to go on this pilgrimage? *
Describe your daily/weekly spiritual life. *
Dietary allergies/needs
Other allergies or physical conditions, challenges, or medications? 
What is your history of emotional/mental illness, weakness, or fears?  *
Do you lead music, sing harmony, or play guitar or percussions?
List any experience with Judaism or Eastern Orthodox/Byzantine spirituality, e.g., a class, book, movie, friend, visit to a church or synagogue?
Any particular interest in meeting religious orders and learning about discernment through this trip? *
Know any French, Hebrew, or Arabic?
Upon arrival in Israel, I might like to borrow a...
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After watching this YouTube, do any other comments or questions come to mind? *
Beatitudes Missions Israel
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