2021 - 2022 FMA Parent Interest
The Fremd Music Association (FMA) is an all volunteer group of parents and faculty with a passion for music education. We are a non-profit organization through which parents and friends support the Fremd Music Department. We coordinate volunteer work, fundraisers, and advocate for the arts.

As we navigate towards the 2021-22 school year we look forward to being able to engage once again with Fremd Music Families to support our students in the music program.  For FMA to be successful in creating cherished memories for our children, we need a solid list of volunteers supporting our many activities.

Please sign up to stay connected with FMA and let us know your areas of interest.

For any questions please contact Cynthia Nicketta or Darcie Callison - fremdmusicpresident@gmail.com

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Parent Name(s) *
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Student Name(s) *
Youngest Fremd student grade level
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Student's area of music study at Fremd *
Parent's areas of interest to help FMA *
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