The Macro Aquarium: Reward March 2022
Forms for Lux Weaver and Void Angel Patrons
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Reward Months ( Every 2 Months )
About Each Tier Reward and Eligibility
Lux Weaver: 1 Free Small Sketch Request
( BustShot, Scenario, Scene, etc )
* Passive Ability: -$15 From Any Commissions

Void Angel: 1 Free Medium Render Request
( upto half body, Scenario, Scene, etc )
*Passive Ability: -$20 From Any Commissions

Extra Characters can be discussed, such as micro scenarios only

> Patrons Pledging to a Reward Tier During a reward month must wait untill the next Reward Month to be eligible to Recieve their Requested Prize.

> However pledging on a off month and heading into a reward month counts as being eligible!

( This is mainly to avoid having Patrons that join to snipe a reward and then leave afterwards )
Which Reward Tier are you in? *
Enter Reward Description! Please Include Your Name! *
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