Get a free quote for custom artwork by Shane McDonald based upon your responses to the questions below!
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I would like a quote on artwork of... *
How many beings will be depicted in the artwork? (enter "0" if there are no humans or animals to be depicted) *
Type a description of your vision.  If human or animals will be depicted, how much of their bodies will be visible in the final artwork? *
Height (approximate in inches is fine) *
Width (approximate in inches is fine) *
Medium *
When should the finished piece be ready to present? *
References from which Shane would work: *
Will the final artwork be shipped or picked-up from Shane McDonald Studios? *
Where will the final artwork be installed / hung? (include whether in a home or a business, and in what city) *
If a live sitting or photography session is required, where will it take place?
Full Name *
Email Address *
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