Registration Form for Creative Space
We will be running a fun 4 days of activities at Kingsgate Church, Kingston, KT1 1QT, including cooking classes, art classes and music sessions. This programme is only open for 11-14 year olds.

Please note: There are only 32 spaces for this week which we will allocate to the first 11-14 year olds who apply.
We also hold all data in line with our data protection policy:
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Name of Parent/Guardian: *
Contact Number: *
Contact Email *
Name of child(ren) e.g. Jane Brown *
Date of Birth and age e.g. 1/1/10 (12) - This programme is only open for 11-14 year olds. *
Gender of Child *
School child attends *
Which day(s) would you like you child to attend? Please note that we would love children to attend all four days if possible (though not compulsory) to make the most out of the programme.
Is your child on free school meals and is therefore eligible for a free space?
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Please detail any medical conditions, neuro-diversity, learning or physical limitations you feel we should be aware of: e.g. asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, allergies / dietary needs, dyslexia / dyspraxia, ADHD, autism, Down syndrome etc. *
Please detail any way that the above condition(s) might impact on their learning and group-based work, or let us know how we can help make provision to support your child in their activities *
Does your child have any medical allergies? Please note there is a further question around intollerance / dislikes. This question relates solely to medical allergies. *
Does your child have any intollerances to any foods? Do they have dietary requirements? *
Do you have any concerns about your child having access to sharp objects for cooking? *
If yes, please explain. *
Is your child able to bring their own water bottle? *
Will you be picking up your child or can they can leave on their own? *
Out of the following options, what do you think your child would enjoy? Please tick all that apply.
Do you give us consent to use photos, video clips and quotes in external Voices of Hope materials? We would love to publicise your children’s success! *
Would you be interested in receiving our monthly Voices of Hope newsletter? *
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