PTSA Committee Needs for the 24/25 School Year
Thank you for looking at our list of openings for the 2024-25 school year! We have a few Chair and Committee positions that need to be filled, but we also have various committees that will also need support.  Please read the job descriptions/duties below and signup for any role that you have interest in.  Don't worry -  we won't make you do EVERYTHING you sign up for! We will reach out to discuss things further and see what will be the best fit.  

Some of the great things our PTSA supports include: teacher, staff & bus driver appreciation (resulting  in happier people working together towards successfully educating & nurturing our kids), senior scholarships and events, the fall Color Run, administration support and more. The last crucial piece of this education puzzle is YOU and we look forward to working with you in the new year.

High Priority Chair Positions: Hospitality, Fundraising, Fun Run/Color Run, Audit Chair

Someone from the Nominations Committee will reach out to you if you express an interest in a Chair Role. Committee interest will be forwarded to Committee Chairs. The New Board/Officers will then decide on the Chair roles and Nominations Committee will reach out to explain appointment procedures

*General Volunteer Support interest can also be filled out when you pay your annual Membership fees. Membership for the new school year will be open for Freshman Orientation and other opening events*

Thank you! We look forward to meeting you soon.
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Your Name, and the grade(s) of your student(s) in 2024-25.
Member At Large (all around help, act as part of the Board with planning and all events; best for those with past PTSA experience)
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Hospitality: Teacher Appreciation Week Chair (April planning, May event) and Committee (all year). **This committee is a big priority right now for next year. Our outgoing team has a lot of great information to share.
The Following positions can be paired together by one person or spread out among several. Please let us know which position(s) you are interested in supporting (check all that apply).  *We really want to increase our numbers in the new year and could use a great team here.
Color Run - HUGE Fundraising Fall event (November), with planning beginning this coming summer. We need Chairs (multiple) and committee members. (Chairs: Sponsors/Registration/Course Management)
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Communications Support: Communication Chair FILLED, Newsletter Sub Chair, Social Media Sub Chair FILLED (check all that apply).
Spirit Wear Committee needed: year round commitment; summer - December are busiest times. Requires lots of event and Fall Sports games attendance
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I would like to be on the Reflections Committee (Fall)
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The Following could also be paired together by one person or spread out among several. Please let us know which position(s) you are interested in supporting (check all that apply).
Senior Committee helps make Senior Year Memorable for our Students in their final year. Could have multiple chairs and break up responsibilities based on events. Large Committee needed.
Fundraising Chair and Committee needed - could handle Rewards programs and Spirit Nights as well. Chair typically oversees those areas, is the report to.
Rewards Programs and Spirit Nights go well together. Do them both or share with a friend! (Please check all that interest you.)
Audit Committee (great option if you wish to shadow/consider the Treasurer position in the future)
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Community Education and Support (schedule assemblies/public events).
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Miscellaneous Needs: We always seem to need help with Graphic design for shirts, promotional items/flyers, social media posts, etc. We could use IT help to set up better virtual/hybrid meetings (we use Google Meet). Check all that apply.
Do you have Grant Writing Experience? There are a lot of missed opportunities for PTSAs and Non-profits that we would like to pursue but need someone to source and apply for them.
Anything you wish to add or explain? Other talents or experiences that you think could be useful? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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