Outer Sunset Merchants Association Membership Intake Form

We hope to see you at the next OSMA Meeting!

DATE: September 17, 2024
TIME: 9:45 AM - 11AM
LOCATION: 4331 Irving Street (Sealevel Studio)

Please fill out the survey to help us better understand your needs

The newly launched Outer Sunset Merchants Association (OSMA) is composed of representatives from retail, restaurants, grocery and other storefront businesses in the Outer Sunset neighborhood. The purpose of the OSMA is:
  • to build unity among merchants to support, promote, and protect conditions that encourage growth of businesses and overall economic development in the Outer Sunset neighborhood;
  • to provide a forum in which merchant members of the Outer Sunset business community may share information, interests and/or concerns with each other;
  • to interact in a structured way with representatives of city, county, state, and federal government bodies and the San Francisco community at large;
  • to support activities believed to be generally beneficial to the Outer Sunset merchant community.

Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Additional Email(s) if multiple Business Owners
Name of Business *
Business Owner Name(s) *
Business Address *
Business Owner Phone Number 
Please let us know if it is OK to text (Yes or No)
I plan on attending the OSMA Meeting on 09/17/24 *
Check mark all your issues of interest 
If you selected Other please describe
Want to get more involved?? What would you be willing to contribute to our collective body of merchants through OSMA?
If you selected Other please describe, and include here anything else you want to say.
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