Algrebreak! 2.0 Registration Form
Algebreak! is a supplemental program for students who are taking Mathematics Courses aimed at strengthening foundational skills in math.

In this program, students will be assigned a weekly schedule, based on their availability, and will undergo several lecture and interactive activities facilitated by faculty members of the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics to hone skills in mathematics operations and problem-solving.

This weekly program will start on October 7 and will end on December 6, 2024. Each week will consist of one (1) session. The sessions are as follows:
Weeks 1-3: Polynomials
Week 4: Special Products
Week 5: Factoring
Week 6-7: Rational Expressions
Week 8-9: Radicals

Fill out this registration form if you intend to undergo this program designed by the Teaching and Learning Resource Center and the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics.

For more information, please visit us @
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Complete Name (Lastname, Firstname,  M.I.) *
UP Mail/ Active email (please be accurate and double-check entry) *
Student Number *
Degree Program and Year Level *
Academic Year
Semester *
Preferred Schedule (Day and Time) *
To accommodate your varied schedule, please choose the 3 (three) schedules that best respond to your needs. The TLRC will then assess your choices and will assign you your final schedule through email.
Note: Your attendance to the program will only be ONCE a week. The TLRC will be assigning you your final schedule, based on your available timeslots.
Complete Home Address *
Complete Present Address (Address while staying in Miagao) *
Facebook Account Name *
Mobile Number *
Data Privacy Act Compliance: *
Completed form on this day: *
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