Swim School Withdrawal Form
Thank you for participating in the FitRec Swim School at Boston University. Please complete the following form to cancel your enrollment and automatic billing. We are sad to see you go, but hope you will return to us soon!

Here are a few points about the withdrawal. By completing this form, you acknowledge that:

1. You are withdrawing from participating in the upcoming month of lessons.
2. You are releasing the day and time of your lesson to another participant.
3. If this form is received by the 21st of the current month, I will not be charged for the next month.
4. If this form is received after the 21st of the current month, you will not be withdrawn from the Swim School for the next month. Rather, you will be withdrawn from the following month. Example: if submitted on September 25, your withdrawal will take affect starting November 1.
5. No refunds will be given for the month in which you withdraw your enrollment and your enrollment will still be valid until the last day your class meets for that month.

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Email *
Parent's full name *
Child's full name *
Current class level *
Current class day *
Current class time *
Reason for withdrawing *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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