Parish Architecture Survey
Thank you for filling out our survey! Over the next month, there will be a team of architects and engineers using this information to help our parish plan for possible building projects.  Your thoughts for what St Mary's will be like in the future are greatly appreciated.  We also want to learn about your specific experiences and needs so that the church is serving you as best as it can.
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Which Mass do you normally attend?
What is your age? *
How many other individuals are in your household?
How satisfied are you with St Mary's parish overall?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
What events or ministries do you or your family regularly participate in at the parish?
Are there any events or ministries you wish you could attend at St Mary's but there is a barrier preventing you? If so, what is the barrier?
Outside of the sacraments, what was your favorite event or ministry you have attended in the past 12 months?
Outside of the sacraments, what is your favorite religious devotion?
What kind of events or ministries do you wish St Mary's had that it currently does not have?
How satisfied are you with the current physical condition of St Mary's church building and campus? *
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
How beautiful do you think St. Mary's of the Lake physical church building is?
Not really beautiful
Absolutely beautiful
What is the most beautiful thing about our church building? *
What about the physical facility of St Mary's do you enjoy the most?
What about the physical facility of St Mary's of the Lake do you dislike the most?  
Is there any part of the church building or our campus that causes you a hardship when you come to Mass or an event?
Has this hardship ever kept you or your family from attending an event at our parish that you wanted to attend? 
If yes, how could we remedy this for you? (If no, answer N/A)
In your opinion, what is the most beautiful building in Culver?
Besides your home, what is your favorite place to spend time in Culver in general? Why?
Is there anything else you would like us to consider as we are looking at improving the church building and campus?
Do you want to be updated as we work on a master plan for St. Mary's church?
If yes, please provide your email address:
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