Stakeholder Survey Spring 2025

We are conducting this survey to better understand the composition of our community, as well as the expectations you have from us. The goal is to gain insights into your interests, needs, and challenges related to plant metabarcoding. This will enable us to evaluate how well we are meeting those expectations in the future.

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes to shape and improve our research accordingly.

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Which career stage do you belong to?   *
 Where are you currently employed or affiliated?   *
Are you familiar with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)?  
If you are familiar with the FAIR principles but do not apply them, please briefly explain why.  
Are you already familiar with plant metabarcoding, or are you interested in conducting a plant metabarcoding study in the future?  
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Which types of eDNA samples are of interest to you?  
Do you use standardized protocols for sampling eDNA in the field? (Please specify your answer in the "Other" field.)
Do you use standardized protocols for processing eDNA samples in the laboratory? (Please specify your answer in the "Other" field.)
Which plant barcoding region are you using or are you most interested in?  
Do you use any open-source bioinformatics software for your analysis? (Please specify your answer in the "Other" field.)
Are you encountering challenges with bioinformatics software?  
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Which reference databases or taxonomic assignment systems are you currently using or would you like to use? (Please specify.)  
Do you manually perform quality control of your metabarcoding results?  
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Do you submit your sampled and analyzed metabarcoding data to a FAIR repository?  
Why wouldn't you use a FAIR repository, even if it is easily accessible? (Please specify.)  
Are you in favor of developing standardized best practices for plant metabarcoding? (Please specify.)  
Would you use established standards for plant metabarcoding if they were available? (Please specify.)  
What are the biggest obstacles you face in plant eDNA metabarcoding? (Please specify.)  
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
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