Wholesale Candle Request
Please fill out this request form if you would like to make a wholesale candle order with me. After you submit this request form, I will contact you to go over any details, information and availability before the order is complete. If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns please email me at crystalgirlalwayss@gmail.com please keep in mind this only for a estimated quote, submission of this form does not guarantee order placement, I will contact you if order is accepted thank you 
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Email *
What is this wholesale order for? *
Provide date you would like this order to be completed by: *
How many Candles are you looking to order? *
Product options (Size, Decorations, Colors, Fragrance, desired container etc) Example: 4oz mason jar garden sage, pastel green, dressed in tiger eye and white glitter   *
Would you like custom labels for this order? If so please specific what you would like these labels to look like/ say (keep in mind this will be an upcharge)  *
Who is this order for? *
I am a existing customer or a new customer? *
Please Provide any additional Information you would like me to know 
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