Domestic Violence Survey 2024

This survey is being conducted by the Gender Affairs Division within the Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, The Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing and Informal Human Settlements. Its purpose is to assess the general public's understanding of domestic violence and the findings will be used to inform the next domestic violence Strategy and Action Plan.

The survey is completely anonymous and your responses will be kept strictly confidence. 

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1.   Are you….?

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2.   What is your age range? 

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3.   What is your understanding of domestic violence?

4.   Choose three of the most common forms of domestic violence?

5.   Is domestic violence a problem in your community?

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6.   Who can be victims of domestic violence?

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7.   Do you know what services the government provides for survivors of domestic violence?

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8.    Do you know where victims of domestic violence can receive support?

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9.   Have you ever been a victim of violence at the hands of an intimate partner or family member?

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10.   What services do you think should be implemented to protect survivors of domestic violence?

11.   What are the main barriers to victims reporting incidents of domestic violence?

12.   In your opinion, what can the community do to decrease domestic violence?

13.   In your opinion, what can the State do to decrease domestic violence?

14.   What is the best way for the State to disseminate information about gender-based violence to the public?

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