MZAZA World Music Workshops  -  Registration Form

Award-winning world music six-piece, MZAZA facilitates fun workshops for all ages and musical abilities. You will learn a Turkish-Sephardic song sung in Ladino (a mix of old Spanish and Hebrew), and you will be invited to perform the song with the band during MZAZA’s concert.

Date: Fri 1 December

Location: Ipswich Civic Centre, 50 Nicholas St, Ipswich

Workshop time: 6-6:50pm

Concert: 8pm (doors 7:00pm)

World Singing Workshop

Embark on a journey through the poetic world of Sephardic music and join Pauline Maudy and Ricardo Bona for an uplifting vocal workshop aimed at sharing technique and getting you singing quickly. 

MZAZA Instrumental Workshop

Join Greta (violin), John (guitar), Goran (double-bass) and Malindi (darabuka) to learn a traditional Sephardic tune with unique rhythms and ornaments. Bring your strummed, bowed, blown or percussive instrument of choice. Learn by ear or with the guitar tabs/sheet music we provide. 

Workshops are free for MZAZA concert ticket-holders.

Concert tickets:

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