Enrolment Form
Please complete the form, and return it via email. We will then schedule a time to speak with
the facilitators via Zoom (a Skype alternative).
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Email *
Full Name *
Location *
1. What interests you in taking this program *
2. Tell us about your intended book! :) *
3. What is your background (in relation to this training)? *
4. What do you think you may find challenging about the training? *
5. Please tell us about any physical or mental issues you have. This is important for us to know about in order to support you in the learning process. *
6. If you are living with disability could you please provide a little more detail about the disability and how we can support your learning: *
7. Are there any medications or substances you take regularly? *
8. If you are in any process of recovery, for example from surgery, cancer, substance use, relationship break up, grief, psychosis or spiritual emergency, please tell us about it here: *
9. Any other information you wish to provide?
Thanks for this! We will get in touch with you very soon! Or you can email us Dr. Martha Tara Lee at drmarthalee@eroscoaching.com.
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