Volunteer and Intern Questionnaire
For Paul Daigle for PA11
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
Why are you interested in helping a democratic campaign for Congress? *
Currently, all of our positions are unpaid volunteer and internship positions.  Are you okay volunteering your time without pay? *
How many hours per week are you interested in volunteering or interning? For internships, we request a minimum of 10 hours per week. *
What is your mailing address? *
What period of time are you interested in working? Check all that apply. *
Will you be seeking college credit at an institution you are studying at for this experience? *
Do you have previous campaign experience?  If so, please describe below.
In what areas are you most interested? Check all that apply. *
Do you have access to a computer and the internet?  This would be required for this remote role.
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Are you okay working remotely and having virtual meetings? *
How did you hear about the internship or volunteer opportunity? *
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