Indie Web Turnpike
I've talked a lot about getting off the Three Websites but what's the alternative? I've joked about the Anime Web Turnpike ( ) and a way of finding things pre-consolidation was a page with a boatload of links to everyone's sites but then I thought what if I just bring that back?? Can't be that hard to make??

So I figure I can try making a big ol' page of links for independent artists, organizations, blogs, and what not.

The important thing is that it needs to be either your own site or at least independent distributor link bandcamp or itch. If this is a page that just links to everyone's discords and instagrams and twitters then what's the point really?

The Page:
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The category and/or sub-category you think best fits your page (medium, genre, organization, etc.) They are very tentative so feel free to make up your own if you don't see one you like! *
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