Fall Class Registration and EMF
Class Registration and Emergency Medical Form, If enrolling multiple children, please fill out one form per child. 
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Email *
Class Registration  *
Child's Name *
Date of Birth
Parent or Guardian name (if under 18) *
Cell Phone/Home Phone *
Alternative Emergency Contact Name
Alternative Emergency Contact Phone#
Hospital/Clinic Preference
Hospital/Clinic Phone Number
Please list any allergies to food and/or environmental allergies.
Please list any medical or health concerns
I authorize medical and surgical treatment, x-ray, laboratory, anesthesia, and other medical and/or hospital procedures as may be performed or prescribed by the attending physician and/or paramedics for my child and waive the right to informed consent of treatment.  This waiver applies only in the event that neither parent/guardian can be reached in the case of an emergency *
I grant permission for my photo to be taken by Rubber City Theatre, with the understanding that this photo might be used for marketing purposes. *
Electronic Signature (Parent or Guardian if under 18) *
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