IMBC 2023 - visitor survey
Win 2 x tickets to IMBC 2024, plus £25 worth of tokens each, just for telling us about your experience at IMBC 2023. All information given will be used to improve the festival for next year, and your feedback is hugely important.

Entries will close 23.59pm on Friday 20th October.
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Overall, how would you rate Indy Man Beer Con 23 *
Tip top
If you'd like to, could you tell us why you gave the score you did?
Which session(s) did you attend this year? *
Tell us what you most liked about IMBC 23
Tell us what you liked the least about IMBC 2023
How many IMBCs have you been to (including 2023)? *
How satisfied were you with our venue, Victoria Baths? *
I wish I could live there
How satisfied were you with the beer selection? *
I struggled to find anything I liked
I couldn't buy tokens fast enough
How satisfied were you with the selection of breweries? *
How important would you say sustainability is when selecting what to drink? *
Couldn't care less
It is all I care about
What did you think to our token pricing this year? *
Poor value
Good value
What did you think of this year's design for the festival? *
Not for me
Loved it
...and which method did you use to purchase tokens? *
One more question off the back of that - would you prefer everything to be 1 token (as it was this year), or for token prices for beer to be variable (i.e. up to 3 tokens for a beer)?  *
How important is price for you when selecting what beer to drink? *
I am very price conscious
Couldn't give a damn about price, just give me good beer
If you undertook any of the non-beer drinks at IMBC, how did you rate the selection?
Very flat
Top of the pops
Clear selection
...and same question for those of you who ate at IMBC - how was the food selection for you?
I wish I could eat at IMBC every day
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Did you see any entertainment at IMBC (music, quizzes, DJs, fortune tellers etc)? And if so, how would you rate it? Skip the question if you saw nowt.
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If you've any further comments on your rating above, we'd love to hear them
Did you attend any of our talks or tastings? 
If you did attend any of our talks or tastings - what did you think?
How did you rate the layout of this year's festival? *
If possible, could you expand on the above?
Any favourite beers/brewers you'd like to shout out?
Any special moments from the festival you'd like to note?
Was anything missing from the festival?
Would you come again? *
Did you go to any IMBCity fringe events? *
If you went to any fringe events, tell us which ones...
Do you follow us on social media? *
Whereabouts in the world did you come from to visit us at IMBC? *
Which methods of transport did you use to get to IMBC (tick all that apply) *
Did train strikes impact you or anyone from your group's travel plans for the festival at all? *
How many people were in the group you travelled with to IMBC? *
How did you discover IMBC? *
Any general feedback for us?
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