Casting Form
Interested in being a diamond? Diamond Encounters is an established escort agency that has built a reputation for being honest, reliable and ethical. We understand what your needs are as a woman and we will always make sure you are comfortable working with our team. We are looking for ladies that are 18+.

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Career Opportunities
The ideal diamond is warm, great with people, adventurous, and open minded. All of our diamonds are at least 18 years old. Experience is necessary, but the right personality is a must-have.

Being a member of our team will help you realize your financial goals and make money faster than you ever thought possible. Fill out our application form to see if you could be our next diamond-quality escort.

Our interview process is relaxed and confidential. Although our business is one dedicating to pleasing and accommodating our clients, we understand that none of that is possible without our diamond escorts. We will always make sure that you are comfortable and protected. That dedication starts when you apply.

We can’t wait to meet you!
Contact Information
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Date of Birth *
Full Address *
Personal Information
Were you referred by someone? *
What's your nationality? *
Do you have a car? *
Height in inches *
Weight in pounds *
Hair color *
Hobbies *
Educational level *
What are your goals in life? *
Profile link to social media account (Facebook or Instagram) *
Additional Information
Motivation to join our agency? *
Do You Have Experience as an Escort Model? *
Do You Work As An Independent or With Another Agency? *
Please Add Websites Where You Are Listed *
After completing this application, please email 3 pictures to: Thank you!
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