2021 GrowTeam signup- VCGN
This GrowTeam is currently full - please fill out the form below to be added to the waitlist!

The Co-op Victory Garden is located within the Tommy Thompson Community Garden, at the Intervale, in Burlington.  A variety of vegetables, culinary & medicinal herbs, cutting flowers, and small fruits are grown for co-op members in a 2,000 square foot plot.  The Vermont Community Garden Network manages the program with the goal of establishing a living example of a collectively tended garden where intensive growing techniques, shared resources, and a mentorship program enable more people to grow nourishing food, together.

All co-op members work in exchange for seasonal garden harvest. Members are also invited to monthly make-and-take workshops in food preservation and herbalism to learn how to process garden harvest to stock their pantry and medicine cabinet

Here are some basic expectations we have of participating GrowTeam members:

-Season long commitment of 2 to 4 hours a week

-Ability to work on a team as well as be able to work independently from a task list.

-Complete tasks such as weeding, seeding, transplanting, harvesting, fixing farm infrastructure, with the hope that each individual will learn, grow, and take on more responsibility throughout the season.

-Interested in learning how to grow and share food.

-Commitment to follow community guidelines around safety and respect

Please complete the form below. We will be in touch!
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Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns (if you would like to share)
Email *
Phone Number
Are you able to commit to at least 2 hours in the garden per week? *
Are you able to participate on a GrowTeam from May-October? *
If not, how long can you commit to particiating?
Why are you interested in, and excited about participating in GrowTeams?
How did you hear about GrowTeams? *
Do you have any questions?
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