Breaking Barriers: An Afternoon with Tyler Lepley                                                                                          
The daily stressors of being in college can weigh heavily on students.

Relationship, family, cultural and 1st generation pressures are but a few of the issues that many students of color struggle with throughout their collegiate experience.  

Join actor Tyler Lepley, who Essence magazine recently called, “Black Hollywood’s New It Guy” live and in-person. He shares his inspirational journey from a college graduate to currently acting on Starz’ Network PValley (Diamond) and Amazon Prime’s television show Harlem, where he co-stars with actress Megan Good.

Tyler shares his journey on Breaking Barriers by utilizing his high-profile platform to shatter Black male stereotypes and the importance of maintaining mental health for personal and professional success.

Join us on Wed. November 9, 2022 @ 12:00 pm PST at Bellevue College (WA) in Building/Room N201 for an unforgettable experience.

Availability is based on first come first serve basis.  

Again, spaces are limited so please reserve early.

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