2024-2025 School of Choice Enrollment 
Greetings Families:

The Harper Woods School District is offering school of choice open enrollment for all new students beginning June 2024. Please complete the form below and a member of our enrollment team will contact you regarding next steps. For any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Carrie Tenkel, Director of Pupil Accounting, at carrie.tenkel@hwschools.org or Mrs. Lisa Smith, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at lisa.smith@hwschools.org.

Walk-in enrollment service is available Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Harper Woods School District Central Office located at 19851 Anita St, Harper Woods, MI 48225 with the exception of holidays and district-wide closures.

Thank you - we look forward to having you join our district! #ExcellenceAboveAll 

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