New Colosseum team request
This form is only for academic PIs, or researchers affiliated with US Department of Defense laboratories (e.g., Air Force Research Laboratory, Army Research Laboratory, Navy Research Laboratory, etc). If you are an industry, international (non-US), or US government (non-DoD) investigator interested in using Colosseum, please contact us at

By submitting this form, you agree that upon the approval of your team request, the logo of your Institution/Research-Lab/Company will be added to the Colosseum website for statistics.
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Principal Investigator (PI) name *
PI institutional email address *
Affiliation *
NSF grant number *
The infrastructure is available for use only by NSF funded researchers. Please provide the most cognizant NSF award associated with the use of Colosseum. Colosseum is not available for classroom use or an education tool at this time. If you do not have an active award, please provide the last awarded grant number most closely associated with the intended use of your system.
Is the PI a DoD researcher? *
Intended use of the system *
Team name *
Please provide a name for your team.
Alternate team name *
Please provide an alternate name for your team in case your primary choice is not available.
Full name and email address of the accounts to add to the team *
Insert comma-separated full name and institutional email address for each accounts to be created for the team. Separate multiple entries with a Semicolon. For instance: full_name_1, email_1; full_name_2, email_2; full_name_3, email_3
Type this code: 4UN4P *
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