Texas PTA: Share Your Story

Public schools are facing significant challenges. Despite a close to $40 billion state surplus, the lack of adequate state funding has forced Texas public school districts to make very difficult choices that include closing campuses, cutting staff, and eliminating programs.

Texas PTA wants to hear how this has impacted your family and your children. Have programs been cut? Has your campus had to eliminate counselors or nurses? Have class sizes increased? In a few sentences, please share your story with us.

Our plan is to use the stories as we advocate for public school funding in the upcoming legislative session.

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Your Name (First and Last) *
Your Email  *
Your Phone Number *
Your School District *
What PTA(s) are you a member of?  *
Select a Category *
In a few sentences, describe how inadequate public school funding is affecting your family and your school(s). *
Before You Go

Please click on the links below to learn more about each of Texas PTA's Legislative Priorities for the 88th Legislative Session.

  • Support Student Success (Public Education Funding): Oppose legislation that authorizes state funds to be used to pay for private school tuition and related costs.
  • Strengthen Public Schools (Vouchers): Pursue legislation that increases the basic allotment and funds public education based on enrollment versus attendance.
  • Health & Safety: Pursue mental health legislation, including systems to identify students in need of intervention, and programs and services designed to help keep students mentally strong and prepared to cope with personal challenges.
  • Meaningful Assessment & Accountability Pursue legislation impacting the state’s A-F system. Advocate for an accountability system that more broadly reviews school performance and includes a family engagement component.
  • Teacher & Staff Shortage & Retention Pursue legislation impacting the state’s A-F system. Advocate for an accountability system that more broadly reviews school performance and includes a family engagement component.
Find more resources txpta.org/state-advocacy

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