2020-2021 Bluffton Schools Transportation Form

Please complete the questions below if you are requesting school transportation to start the school year. You will need to complete the form individually for each student that will need transportation in your family. This can be done by clicking on "submit another response" at the bottom of the form once you have submitted it. As we would in years past, we will do our best to accommodate situations that are fluid and change, but due to Covid-19, we respectfully request to keep transportation changes to a minimum if at all possible. Any changes made will require you to fill out a paper copy found in the office. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Josh Kauffman, Transportation Supervisor/Middle School Principal at (419) 358-7961. Thank you!
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Grade   *
Home Address *
Childcare Provider Name, Address, Phone #
Parent(s)/Guardians First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Home Phone #
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone(s) #
Parent(s) Work # (include ext.)
Morning Pick Up Information (choose one) *
Afternoon Drop Off Information (choose one) *
Notes/Specific Details Needed  (ex: days of week, delay days, etc.)
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