How did you hear about the Mom.ME. Mentor Program:
Your answer
Are you willing to stay on as a Mentor after your 6-month term with your assigned Peer is completed?
Clear selection
Are you interested in mentoring multiple Peers at once?
Clear selection
Demographics: (Optional)
This section is OPTIONAL, but the information will help us make the best match between Mentor and Peer. This information will only be used by Mom.ME. and will never be shared with an outside source.
How would you describe your gender: *
Race/Ethnicity: *
Marital Status *
Are you bilingual:
Clear selection
If yes, please list what language(s):
Your answer
How many children do you have? *
What are their ages: (check all that apply) *
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5+
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10+ years old
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5+
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10+ years old
Are you or your partner currently pregnant? *
Are you a parent of multiples:
Clear selection
Did you or your partner experience pregnancy or post birth health complications: *
If yes, please describe:
Your answer
Do you identify as a NICU parent: *
Did you or your partner go through infertility treatments:
Clear selection
Have you or your partner suffered a pregnancy or infant loss:
Clear selection
Have you ever served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces (U.S. Military)
Clear selection
If yes, which branch:
Clear selection
PMD Information (Perinatal Mood Disorders)
This section is OPTIONAL, but the information will help us make the best match between Mentor and Peer. This information will only be used by Mom.ME. and will never be shared with an outside source.
Are you a survivor of postpartum depression and/or anxiety, even if you have not been officially diagnosed: *
If yes, which PMD(s) were you affected by: (please check all that apply)
If you selected other above, please describe:
Your answer
Did you experience any of the following symptoms when you had your PMD(s): (please check all that apply)
If you selected other above, please describe:
Your answer
If you did suffer with a PMD, where are you in your recovery process:
Clear selection
If you have fully recovered, how long have you been recovered:
Clear selection
Did you use medication as a part of your recovery:
Clear selection
Did you see a therapist/counselor as part of your recovery:
Clear selection
During your PMD treatment, did you participate in any of the following programs: (check all that may apply)
If you selected other above, please describe:
Your answer
Did you use any of Mom.ME. resources when you were going through your PMD: (check all that apply)
If you selected other above, please describe:
Your answer
Did you or your partner breastfeed, formula feed or tube feed:
Clear selection
Program Specific Questions (Required)
The following answers will further assist us in making appropriate Mentor/Peer matches. This section is required.
Have you ever been a Mentor before: *
If yes, with what organization and what year(s):
Your answer
Why do you want to become a Mentor with Mom.ME.:
Your answer
What do you hope to gain personally from becoming a Mentor:
Your answer
What do you hope your Peer will gain through this process:
Your answer
With your current time commitments, are you able to dedicate at least 30 minutes a week to your Peer? This time will be spread between phone calls, text messaging and possible online meetings:
Clear selection
Are you willing to communicate via texting or phone calls with your Peer at least ONCE per week: *
Do you currently lead or facilitate an in-person or online support group: *
Please list any other volunteer work you are currently involved with: (ex. PTA, church, little league coach, etc.)
Your answer
What do you like to do in your spare time:
Your answer
Do you consider yourself to be more of and Extrovert or Introvert?
Clear selection
Emergency Contact
Your privacy is as important to us as your emotional well-being. We do require an emergency contact #, but would only use it in a real or perceived emergency.
Name of Contact: *
Your answer
Phone #: *
Your answer
Relationship to you: *
Your answer
I give Mom.ME. permission to contact the person listed above in the event of a crisis or emergency on my behalf: (whether actual or perceived emergency) *
Application Agreement
By submitting this application, I certify that the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I agree to follow the requirements and policies set forth by Mom.ME.'s Peer Mentor Program: *
I agree to participate in phone calls and respond to text messages from my Peer in a timely manner: *
If selected as a Mentor, I agree to provide a two-week notice if I must step away from the program: (this does not include emergencies) *
I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee I will be selected for the Mom.ME. Mentor Program: *