Design Your Careers "Python Coding Workshop"
In this workshop, you will learn the basics of python programming. By the end of the sessions, you will be able to write any basic program.

Python is an extremely versatile programming language when compared with any other programming language. Using python you can create websites, applications, games, or even AI’s. With this workshop, you will learn the basics of python from the simplest data structures to the most advanced control flow. Using these basics you can go on to understand more difficult concepts and even start using some modules to enhance your python skills. All you really need is a computer and the willingness to learn to start your programming journey. Get ready for your journey into programming with python.

Who: Age 10+
When: August 29 -  September 12( Classes will happen during the weekend) - Saturdays and Sundays
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM  PST | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST (1hr 30 min sessions)
Total Sessions: 5

Zoom Meeting Link (Details will be provided one day before class)
In case of any questions, please email or text 650-814-4119

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I am voluntarily participating in the workshops and my participation in DYC activity entirely at my own risk. I hereby release Design Your Careers (DYC) including its members & volunteers from any type of injury while participating in this volunteer-driven workshop. I also understand that there shall be photos taken while classes are in progress for the website or marketing purposes. *
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