Register for the Self Unfoldment Programme
A month-long Residential Course to Realise Your Inner Best!
With Swami Abhedananda - A Visionary Spiritual Master for the masses

Dates: 1st to 30th March 2025
At: Chinmaya Mission South Africa, 159, Road 703, Chatsworth, Durban 4092, South Africa

1. Students must be atleast 16 years of age.
2. Sessions of the course will be conducted in English.
3. Students will be enrolled only after registration, a formal interview and course donation.

If you have any queries, please email us at or send a WhatsApp message to +27 798196882.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Number (with country code)  *
City *
Country of Residence *
Gender *
Age *
Educational Qualification *
Occupation *
Are you involved with Chinmaya Mission?  *
Are you listening to any of Swami Abhedananda's talks?
Where did you hear about the Self Unfoldment Programme?
Why do you wish to attend the Self Unfoldment Programme? 
Anything more about yourself? 
I hereby agree to the eligibility requirements and confirm to abide by all rules and regulations of this course. I am interested in attending the Self Unfoldment Programme. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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