NextGen America Text Quiz
  • Before you take the quiz, read through the NextGen Text Guide (link here: 
  • You must pass this quiz (with a score of 5/7 or higher) to text with NextGen. You can take it as many times as you need to pass.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Make sure your name matches your name in Slack.
You're ready to send texts! Where do you go to get them? *
Which response should result in an opt-out? *
When you get a "wrong number" reply what do you do next? *
A voter says the following: “Mail ballots aren’t safe and should be illegal. Why are you encouraging people to use them? Election results are inaccurate and rigged because of them.” 

Which response do you send?
You have a question about a conversation you're having with a voter. Where do you post that question in Slack? *
Which of the following Manual Tags will always be listed in a campaign? 
In what scenario would you NOT use the “Close and Save”button
When texting, we want the process to be smooth for volunteers and helpful for the voters we are texting. Please mark that you agree to do each of the following. (And don't worry - if something comes up, you can always reach out to a Text Team Leader!) *
If you speak a language other than English and would be interested in having conversations with voters in that language, please indicate which other language you speak. (Otherwise, please leave blank.)
I agree to uphold the NextGen America Text Team Core Values as outlined here: http://NXTGN.US/ri6 *
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