IFSCC Presentation and Tabling Request Form
We try to accommodate speaker requests and/or resources for tabling events that educate and inspire people to learn more about composting. Please fill this form out to help us learn more about you!
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Name of requestor *
With what organization, if any, are you affiliated? *
E-mail address *
Phone number *
Requested presentation/tabling event date *
Requested presentation/tabling time of day & estimated duration *
Presentation/tabling location *
Specific address, or as much detail that is known at this time.
If a presentation is being requested, on which topic would you like us to speak?
Clear selection
Who is the audience? *
Please note any expected decision makers, community leaders or local press that will be in attendance.
What is the predicted attendance? *
How will this event be promoted? *
Newsletter, social media, etc.
If this is a presentation request, is there a budget for the presenter?
How will our presentation/tabling resources help advance diversion of all organics? *
 Do you have specific goals in mind?
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