Ai 4 Health Incubation (Ai4Hi) Grant
Fill the application form to express your interest
A) Personal Information
1) Full name of applicant *
2) Email address *
3) Phone number *
B) Project Overview
1) Project title or name *
2) Project Category *
3) Provide a brief description of the innovation/project (200-300 words) *
4) Add a link to your YouTube video or other source explaining how your innovation works *
5)  Describe the healthcare problem your innovation addresses (150-250 words) *
6) Explain how your project leverages AI technology to solve the problem (200-300 words) *
7)  Current Development Stage *
C Impact and Commercialization
  1) Who will benefit from your solution (Target Market: Customers or consumers)?  
  2) Briefly explain the potential impact on healthcare outcomes (100-300 words)  
3)  How do you or plan to make money?  *
D) Team information
1) Size of your team (Enter number) *
 2) Highlight the key areas of your team's expertise and relevant experience (100-200)  
E) Funding and Resources 
1) Do you have any existing funding for this project?
2) If yes, specify the amount and sources (Optional)
3)  Describe any additional resources or support needed from this program (e.g., technical, financial, partnerships)
I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. *
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