Product Designer Competency Framework
Evaluate each skill based on following levels:

0 - Don’t understand what the competency is
1 - Novice: Understanding what the competency is and why it is important.
2 - Advanced Beginner: This competency is demonstrated under supervision, or with encouragement.
3 - Competent: This competency is demonstrated independent of supervision or encouragement.
4 - Proficient: Encouraging or supervising others in this competency.
5 - Expert: Developing new ways of applying this competence. It’s measured on the world-stage.

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General User Research *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Explain the importance of user research, not just before the product is designed but also during design and after deployment.
Identify the needed research methods and create a research plan.
Deliver research insights in a structured way to promote research and keep accessibility in the future (e.g. research system or any other method).
Understand how to write a hypothesis and how to control and measure variables.
Find the target group and recruit users from the target audience.
User needs evaluation (interviewing, field research, competitor research, journey mapping) *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Domain knowledge (competitor research, industry, cultural insights).
Identify the best solution to summarize user needs and goals. Create personas or jobs-to-be-done sentences through interviewing potential users.
Can create a customer (and user) journey. Identify areas of improvement, and communicate the journey to the rest of the company so they can understand where they can add value to it.
Pland and execute field research.
Structure and conduct an effective interview that gets beyond the surface opinions (what users say) to reveal user goals (what users want).
Report, analyse and present the discovery research results to the wider team.
Usability Evaluation *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Use established usability principles and guidelines to predict likely problems in user interfaces before testing. (Heuristic evaluation)
Plan and execute usability tests (e.g. moderated vs. unmoderated test, lab vs. remote test.
Record, analyse and present the data from usability tests to the wider team.
Prioritise usability problems based upon evidence.
Metrics and measurements *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Create a measurement plan according to the business and user goals (for example AARRR, HEART)
Create surveys.
Plan A/B tests
Understand how to implement effectively and the limitations of existing analytics. Cooperate with data analysts and developers during implementation.
Pair metrics with qualitative data to understand users behaviour behind the numbers.
Information Architecture *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Carry out a card sorting and tree testing and analyze the results
Analyse a journey map to identify and construct an information architecture.
Breakdown large IA changes into small and comprehensible deliverables, based upon resource constraints.
Prototyping *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Organise, structure and label content, functions and features using appropriate design patterns and create a screen flow.
Explore multiple approaches to a problem before deciding on a solution.
Create interactive, shareable prototypes to demonstrate and test a design solution.
Interaction Design *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Understand the benefits of different user interface models and use them appropriately (for example: knowing when to force a user down a guided path with a wizard or modal, or when we can let them go their own way).
Use the correct component from the pattern library to provide affordances and shape the user experience e.g., choosing the correct control for an interface, such as segment controller instead of a radio button.
Understand established and evolving standards, as well as best-practises for human-computer interactions, and be able to express them in our design language.
Simplify the user interface by using animations where appropriate.
Understand the opportunities and limitations of the technology that the design solution will be expressed in, and work with developers to determine its implementation.
Document requirements and explain the expectations around an interaction (specification for the developers).
Visual Design *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Use fundamental principles of visual design (like contrast, alignment, repetition and proximity) to de-clutter user interfaces.
Understand and use typography, icon, grid and colour systems to lay out pages.
Create illustrations that fit within our guidelines to reinforce and extend our messaging.
Understand, use and evolve the common brand and design language and explain why it is important. (look and feel, moodboards, design guidelines)
Create motion design animation
Collect and organize all the reusable complements guided by clear standards that can be assemble together to build any number of aplications (Design System)
Writing *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Create and edit macro and micro copy.
Understand, use and evolve the common content and writing style (tone of voice), and explain why it is important.
Manage multiple languages to make in understandable for translators and content team and users.
Establish harmony between written and visual communication.
Client Management *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Plan and schedule work to prioritise and maximise the efficiency of delivery.
Being able to effectively explain and present the results of your team's work in a well structured way.
Engage and maintain communication with stakeholders, and manage their expectations.
Promote the value of design thinking, and grow the user-experience competency of the client.
Professional Cooperation *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Able to make modifications in work methods, processes in case unexpected issues.
Cooperate with other team members, constructively critique their work and collaborate for a common path.
Promote and support the ongoing professional development of the team.
Cultivate a team with strong interpersonal relationships (know and manage people).
Simplify collaboration with developers in an agile way, provide them specifications.
Development *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Web development (HTML CSS)
Web development (Javascript)
Android development
iOS development
Business and Strategy *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Understand and support the client in business plan decisions, understand the business model, monetization oportunities.
Explain the cost-benefit of user experience and design activities to the business, and make suggestions how to measure and monitor their effects on the company's success.
Feature prioritization, supprt the client in product strategy considering the related impact and effort needed.
Workshop Facilitation *
0- Don't know
1- Novice
2- Advanced Beginner
3- Competent
4- Proficient
5- Expert
Find the right method and tools, create a workshop plan for the product need and be able to modify when unexpected issues come up.
Soft skills: Handle different personalities, time managagement, assertive communication, support the team decision.
Effectively synthetise the information and push the participants towards their workshop goals (effective decision making and action plan).
Ensure that the outcome of the workshop is understood by participants and takes further actions.
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