Thank you for supporting Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV)! This form acts as an official statement of support for the Municipal and School Board Voting Options Act, S1622/A4042, which permits all local governments throughout New Jersey to adopt RCV for municipal and school board elections, subject to voter approval. Your support will help build the movement for RCV in NJ and demonstrate to legislators and the public that there is a wide breadth of support for this reform.
By filling out this form, you are affirming your support for the following:
Ranked-Choice Voting is a simple upgrade to the way we vote. It enables voters to rank candidates in order of preference, and ensures the winner of any election has the support of, and is accountable to, the majority of voters. RCV is a time-tested voting system that has been shown to reduce negative campaigning and hyperpartisanship, and encourage deeper voter engagement and greater diversity of available candidates on the ballot. The signatories of this letter endorse the use of RCV for local elections in New Jersey and urge our state's leaders to pass RCV-enabling bills S1622 and A4042.
This Letter of Support is organized by Voter Choice NJ: