Boot Request Form - RugbyBootBank®️
Completing this form will provide the information we need to send you a pair of boots.
All boots have been donated to RugbyBootBank by supporters to help other people play and enjoy rugby.
If we have the right size in stock, boots requested will be delivered by TNT/FedEx at no cost to you.
If you are under 18 please ask a responsible adult to complete this form for you.
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Where do you (or the player needing boots) play rugby? *
Give the name of the rugby club played at (or intending to play at). This must be a UK rugby club.
Who are the boots for? *
Postcode? *
The UK POSTCODE of the delivery address (full address below)
Delivery address? *
The full UK ADDRESS where you would like the boots delivered by TNT FedEx.
Responsible adult full name? *
Your full name as the responsible adult requesting the boots (this might not be the name of the person who needs the boots)
Please state the name (and age) of the player for whom the boots are for?
For example: Sarah (age 14) or state "Myself Adult"
What size boot are you requesting? *
Please select the UK ADULT or UK INFANT shoe size of the person who needs boots.  Note: INFANT sizes are typically for children aged under 6 years.
Phone number? *
In case we need to get hold of you and to share with the TNT FedEx in case they can't find you at the address given
Email? *
Once we have booked the delivery you will receive a confirmation email at this address.
Any delivery instructions for the driver?
Any specific instruction for finding the address given.   The package may not be left, it must be handed to somebody at the address.
When would you ideally like the parcel delivered?
RugbyBootBank is run by volunteers and we do not always have the requested boot size in stock. Note: requests are typically processed over the weekend and please give at least a couple of working days notice.  We cannot guarantee we will deliver the parcel on this day but we will try our best.
I consent to my contact information being held by and being contacted by RugbyBootBank... *
If you do not check one of these options we may not be able to send boots to you if there is a delivery problem. Please find our full Privacy Policy here
Once you have submitted this form (by clicking submit below) we will check our stock and get a pair of boots to you.    It would be great to hear you have received the boots and how your rugby is going - please let us know.
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