Saturday Aug 6th NSACA Gathering – Registration
This is a form to gather registrations for an August 6th, 2022 General Meeting of the North Shore Anishinabek Cannabis Association. The gathering will be taking place from 10am-4pm, in French River First Nation. Further details are available at and will the location will be emailed to you after you register.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What community are you from? *
What's your phone number? *
What is the nature of your participation or interest in the Indigenous cannabis industry?  (ie. do you have a store, are you looking to open up, a grower, etc.) *
Do you have any questions or concerns with the draft bylaws that appear on the NSACA Website at
Do you have any special needs that should be taken into account during the event to support your participation? (accessibility, child care, food allergies, etc.)
What skills and capacities do you have to contribute to NSACA organizing?
Do you have any further comment to make about any matters concerning the NSACA or the Indigenous cannabis movement more generally?
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