Strategic Partnerships - Heritage Language for the Croatian Diaspora
Dear all,

purpose of the survey ahead of You is to question a knowledge of the Croatian language in the population of Croatian Diaspora in the European Union. Main goal of this research is to find out the needs of the Croatian Diaspora in the European Union in the matter of the quality and knowledge of the Croatian language. It is important to mention that the research is completely anonymous and all of your answers will be kept strictly  confidential. Answers will also be used as a general database without individual exclusions.

Thank You for Your help and cooperation.

Project manager:
Andreja Sršen, PhD, University of Zagreb - Croatian Studies, Sociology Department.

Project assistant:

Erik Brezovec,  University of Zagreb - Croatian Studies, Sociology Department.

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Which is the country of Your birth? *
Which is the country that You spent most of Your childhood in?
Which is the country of Your current residence? *
In which country did You finished elementary school?
In which country did You finished high school?
What is the year of Your emigration? (if You were born in the immigration country, please type ''born'' *
Age *
Gender *
How well do You speak the language of the country of Your current residence? *
On the scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is: not knowing at all, and10 is: I know language perfectly; how well do You consider Your knowledge of the Croatian language? *
Not knowing at all
I know it perfectly
How would You rate Your knowledge of the Croatian language considering understanding? *
How would You rate Your knowledge of the Croatian language considering interaction? *
How would You rate Your knowledge of the Croatian language considering writting? *
How often do You use the Croatian language in communication? *
Where did You learn the Croatian language? *
Do You consider Croatian language as a part of Your identity? *
Which are the main institutions that connects You to the homeland Croatia?
Which emigrant associations connects You with the homeland Croatia? (if You are not part of any  emigrant association please type ''none'')
What is the possibility of your permanent return to Croatia? *
On the scale from 1 to 10 how would You rate engagement of the institutions of the country of your residence in the matter of promotion of the Croatian language? *
There is no engagement
There is a high engagement
Would You like to improve Your knowledge of the Croatian language? *
How important do you consider the Croatian language to be for your proffesional accomplishment? *
Would You attend the summer school: ''Heritage language for the Croatian diaspora'' in Croatia if You would be given the chance to attend? *
What would you consider the main obstacles for You to come to the summer school?
Do You think that attending summer school: ''Heritage language for the Croatian diaspora'',(given the diploma/certificat for participation) would improve Your status on the labor market? *
What would You consider the main advantages of the summer school ''Heritage language for the Croatian diaspora''? *
What is your current employment status *
What is your relationship status? *
What is your average month income in $? *
What is Your level of education?
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