Questionnaire - Commercial

We kindly request you to complete our Commercial Project Questionnaire. Your responses will play a crucial role in helping us grasp the overall scope and specific requirements of your project. The information gathered will then serve as a foundation for a more in-depth and informed discussion, where we can delve into the finer details, offer expert consultation on feasible options, establish clear project goals, and outline a comprehensive plan for the successful execution and delivery of your project.

At Vision 3D Real Estate, we follow a proven 4-phase process for all projects, which includes the Discovery Process, System Design, Implementation Process, and Service and Support. Each phase is designed to ensure a smooth and efficient journey from conception to completion. For further insights into each of these phases, please visit our Process page.

We are excited to work closely with you and turn your commercial project into a resounding success. Please complete the questionnaire to get started on this exciting journey together.

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About your project *
What is your timeframe? *
Do you have a home automation system in your current location?
If you selected yes in your previous answer, what is your current automation system?
Do you currently have a lighting control or shade system in your current location?
If you selected yes in your previous answer, what is your current lighting or shade system?
Would you like to have automation in your boardroom?
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Would you like to learn more about music distribution solution?
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Would you like to learn more about video distribution?
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Would you like to learn more about Commerical Security?
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Would you like to learn more about motorized window treatments?
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What is your budget for your technology system?
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Please use the space below to give us any additional details about your project:
Your Name *
Email *
Phone Number
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